
Tuesday, 10 August 2010

iPhone 1 - Car 0

Went for a bit of a drive on the weekend, and at one stage stopped to remove a stick from under the car. A short time later I realised that my phone was missing - and the most likely spot it would be might be where I stopped earlier. A quick back track and I found not only my phone but also my camera sitting just where they fell out of my pocket.

The camera was fine - but to my horror the phone looked crushed - with a nice Cooper STT tyre track running along the back of the cover. The screen cover (face down) was deeply scratched and the phone appeared off. I threw it in the car in frustration and only pulled it apart for a good look when I got back to camp.

Well to my amazement, once I cleaned off the dust - the phone worked, and not only worked but had escaped unscathed! The screen cover was stuffed, but the silicon backing cover had saved the day. So a new screen cover was installed and we are back in business.

The cover is an Otterbox Impact (I thought I was bidding on the Otterbox Defender) but has proven its worth... Will be keeping the cover on from now on!


Source: iPhone 1 - Car 0

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