
Friday, 22 March 2013

Rocky settles in

It has been a busy few weeks, and opportunities to get away under canvas have been few and far between.  We did manage a couple of nights down the coast with friends, and a mad dash to the big smoke for a night - but on each occasion we were staying in a fine house with four solid walls and a roof.

The little fisherman did his best to remove as many fish from the Tasman Sea as he could - however luck again was against us.  Thankfully one of our friends did catch a Pacific Salmon, which is in our freezer awaiting an opportunity for the Little Fisherman to sample the fruits of his labour.

Rocky now has nearly 3 000km on the clock, and continues to impress us with its comfort and capability.  I have no idea how I ever survived so long without a ute!

In that time we have used Rocky as:

A farm truck

A work truck

A removalist truck

A toy truck

And hopefully in the not to distant future we will hook up the camper, and Rocky will be a Camping Truck!

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