
Sunday, 2 June 2013

Shake down trip... Destination Birdsville

Whilst we were at camping at Boorowa a few weeks ago, campfire conversation turned to a forthcoming concert to be held at Birdsville in July.  It would appear that one of Australia's most popular and engaging entertainers was going to be hosting a sunset concert on the top of Big Red, the famous sand dune on the eastern end of the Simpson Desert.

John Williamson was going to be performing songs from his latest album - The Big Red, at Big Red... Something stirred inside me and said we had to make it happen.

We returned to civilisation, calendars and the cloud.  A quick check revealed the concert was going to be the middle weekend of the NSW school holidays.... and I had already planned to take leave! 

The clincher though was when I found out the concert was part of a bigger series of events, The Big Red Run raising money for Type 1 Diabetes.  As the Little Fisherman is a Type 1 diabetic, it was all the motivation I needed, so in a moment of madness I bought tickets to the Big Red Sunset Concert.

It was only once the tickets were booked that I realized that it is over 2000 km to Birdsville from home, and with the whole family coming along for the ride, a bit of planning would be necessary. In short a swag and an esky won't cut it.

Of course planning can be fun... particularly when you spread your trip over three maps!
According to Google, I have two choices to get there - each at 28hours driving... 

North via Bourke and the Diamantina Development Road, 2011km or,

West via Mildura and the Birsdville Track, 2158km

Of course that would be the easy way - What we really want to do is head out via Cameron Corner, Innaminka and then on to Birsdville.  This will depend entirely on the weather, but hey, when you're married to a Meteorologist, what could possibly go wrong!!!

At 2058km, it doesn't save any distance, and according to the good google will take about 44 hours behind the wheel - but I hope we can tick off some great sites on our way! 

In all honesty, it will depend a lot on what the weather is doing before we head off.

Then there was the other small problem.  Due to some pre-existing committments, and work trips, free weekends before the trip have suddenly dwindled to about two.  Having travelled a lot in a former life, I much prefer time with my family these days, and if I am on the road, I would rather take them with me.  As a great husband, I will arrive back home with just a day to sort out ourselves to get on the road.... 

And the Amarok is no where near ready enough for this trip!  Not for a road trip of this magnitude.  The interior of the car would need a bit of work too...  but that story is for another day!

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