Faced with the prospect of heavy rain (severe thunderstorms), access routes being cut by rising river crossings and several days waiting for things to dry out again, we held a family discussion. We had been looking forward to heading down to Main Range National Park, but it looked as if the Park would bear the brunt of the oncoming storms. At times like this, the resident meteorologist (aka Weather Witch) cast the deciding vote.
We took the easy option, packed up in the sun with everything dry and returned to Mama and Pa's.
It was a time to pause for a moment as this decision would mark a turning point in our adventure to date.
From here on we would be enjoying a very different type of travelling. We were returning to civilisation, and whilst we were still yet to return home, it would be with family and friends that we would be staying until we get back to where it all began. Matilda would become a spare bedroom on wheels, not our 'home'. It was time to dig out a photo from the day we set off, to see how much we had changed...

It seems only yesterday we were setting off on the beginning of our adventure, full of high hopes for the year ahead of us. And what an adventure it has been.
This journey has been one of discovery. We have all learnt so much about this wide and brown land we call home. Along the way we have met amazing, inspiring and wonderful people who have touched our lives in many ways.
As a family we have grown together. With so much time living in each other's pockets, we have created a truly special bond. But the people who inspired me most during the past year have been my three companions. We have laughed, cried, argued and agreed, and not a day has gone past where I have wanted to be anywhere else.
My amazing wife was the backbone of our family. She kept the wheels turning when it seemed the whole lot was about to fall apart. Not just the voice of reason, she also made the journey fun. Every great idea requires a lot of work to get it off the ground, and without Jo, this idea would have remained just a dream. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to give this gift to our children.
To The Little Fisherman and The Little Helper, this journey wouldn't have been half as much fun without you. Thank you for allowing us to see this wonderful country through your eyes. Your patience in the back seat on the days on the road was appreciated. Your adaptability and willingness to change plans, and change again was valued. But it was your enthusiasm and willingness to embrace the journey that was treasured. I hope this journey becomes just a part of a magical mosaic of memories and experiences that will continue to take you forward on your journey to becoming great men. This blog is my gift to you - a record of our year on the road.
And there are so many wonderful people who owe a massive debt of gratitude to when we get back home. From my work colleagues who covered my shifts whilst I was away - particularly during some of the busiest times, to our friends at home. A special thanks to Julie and family who have looked after our beautiful pooch with such amazing grace and patience. Jess and our friends at our local post office who have helped us to collect our mail, We have missed our community and cannot wait to come home.
And an apology to our boy's teachers next year. We hope our new found 'experts on Australia' will not be too 'know-it-all' when they return to class!
Many people have asked us how we feel about returning to our normal lives next year. Truth is we cannot wait. Every year is a great adventure, and this year has introduced us to many new ways of looking at things, and inspired us to what can be achieved with a bit of determination and an idea. We are looking forward to living our lives with this experience under our belts, and our eyes on the future.
As Jo often says, 'cherish your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows, but live your todays.'
And so, with a tear in the eyes, we returned to the comfort of a solid roof, dry walls and comfortable couches. It was time to return to Mama and Pa's. The weather radar the following day confirmed it had been a good decision!
Good call - glad to be under a real roof again.
And what next? Over the next few weeks we will catch up with family and friends on our journey back home. There will still be many more experiences for the boys, from Australia Zoo to the Brisbane City Christmas Parade and Fireworks, but they're really looking forward to catching up with their cousins and their grandparents. I cannot blame them.
I hope everyone who has shared part of this journey with us online has a wonderful festive season. May peace and love be abundant in your homes.
"A good traveller doesn't know where he's going.
A great traveller doesn't know where he's been." Chuang Tzu
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